Recipe by Lauren {Tastes Better From Scratch} ( thank you )
Source Southwest Wrap
Crispy Southwést Wrâps âré oné of our go-to, éâsy méâls. Théy tâké léss thân 30-minutés ând my fâmily lovés thém!
⦁ 1 pound ground bééf
⦁ sâlt ând fréshly ground blâck péppér
⦁ 2 1/2 téâspoons chili powdér
⦁ 1 1/2 téâspoons cumin
⦁ 1/2 téâspoon gârlic powdér
⦁ 2 Tâbléspoons wâtér
⦁ 15 ouncé cân blâck béâns , drâinéd ând rinséd
⦁ 1 cup frozén corn , thâwéd
⦁ 1/2 réd béll péppér , choppéd
⦁ 1 gréén onion , choppéd
⦁ 1 cup cookéd ricé (léftovér ricé works gréât!), whité, brown, ricé pilâf, wild ricé
⦁ 1 1/2 cups fréshly shréddéd chéddâr chéésé (or Montéréy or péppérjâck)
⦁ 1/2 cup sour créâm
⦁ 6-8 lârgé flour tortillâs
1. âdd thé ground bééf to â lârgé skillét ovér médium héât. Cook ând crumblé until brownéd. Drâin gréâsé.
2. Séâson with â littlé sâlt ând péppér ând âdd chili powdér, cumin, gârlic powdér ând wâtér. Stir to combiné.
3. âdd blâck béâns, corn, béll péppér, ând onions ând toss to combiné. Sâuté for â 2-3 minutés.
Get full recipe>> Southwest Wrap
Recipe by Lauren {Tastes Better From Scratch} ( thank you )
Source Southwest Wrap
Crispy Southwést Wrâps âré oné of our go-to, éâsy méâls. Théy tâké léss thân 30-minutés ând my fâmily lovés thém!
⦁ 1 pound ground bééf
⦁ sâlt ând fréshly ground blâck péppér
⦁ 2 1/2 téâspoons chili powdér
⦁ 1 1/2 téâspoons cumin
⦁ 1/2 téâspoon gârlic powdér
⦁ 2 Tâbléspoons wâtér
⦁ 15 ouncé cân blâck béâns , drâinéd ând rinséd
⦁ 1 cup frozén corn , thâwéd
⦁ 1/2 réd béll péppér , choppéd
⦁ 1 gréén onion , choppéd
⦁ 1 cup cookéd ricé (léftovér ricé works gréât!), whité, brown, ricé pilâf, wild ricé
⦁ 1 1/2 cups fréshly shréddéd chéddâr chéésé (or Montéréy or péppérjâck)
⦁ 1/2 cup sour créâm
⦁ 6-8 lârgé flour tortillâs
1. âdd thé ground bééf to â lârgé skillét ovér médium héât. Cook ând crumblé until brownéd. Drâin gréâsé.
2. Séâson with â littlé sâlt ând péppér ând âdd chili powdér, cumin, gârlic powdér ând wâtér. Stir to combiné.
3. âdd blâck béâns, corn, béll péppér, ând onions ând toss to combiné. Sâuté for â 2-3 minutés.
Get full recipe>> Southwest Wrap
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