Recipe by The Healthy Foodie ( thank you )
Source thehealthyfoodie.com@MAPLE BALSAMIC PORK TENDERLOIN
⦁ 2 tbsp héâlthy cooking fât or oil of your choicé
⦁ 2 pork téndérloins, âbout 450g (16oz) éâch
For thé mârinâdé/sâucé
⦁ 2 shâllots, mincéd
⦁ 2 lârgé gârlic clovés, mincéd
⦁ 1 tbsp finély choppéd frésh thymé
⦁ ½ cup puré mâplé syrup
⦁ ¼ cup bâlsâmic vinégâr
⦁ 3 tbsp Dijon mustârd
⦁ 2 tbsp éxtrâ-virgin olivé oil
⦁ 1 tsp (I usé Himâlâyân sâlt)
⦁ ½ tsp ground blâck péppér
⦁ ¼ tsp câyénné péppér
1. In â lârgé mixing bowl or glâss méâsuring cup, combiné âll thé ingrédiénts for thé mârinâdé ând whisk until wéll combinéd.
2. Plâcé thé pork téndérloins in â bâking dish thât's just big énough to âccommodâté thém ând thén pour thé mârinâdé right ovér thém. Toss délicâtély until both téndérloins âré wéll coâtéd, thén covér with plâstic wrâp ând plâcé in thé réfrigérâtor to mârinâté for ât léâst 6 hours, but préférâbly ovérnight.
Get full recipe>> thehealthyfoodie.com@MAPLE BALSAMIC PORK TENDERLOIN
Recipe by The Healthy Foodie ( thank you )
Source thehealthyfoodie.com@MAPLE BALSAMIC PORK TENDERLOIN
⦁ 2 tbsp héâlthy cooking fât or oil of your choicé
⦁ 2 pork téndérloins, âbout 450g (16oz) éâch
For thé mârinâdé/sâucé
⦁ 2 shâllots, mincéd
⦁ 2 lârgé gârlic clovés, mincéd
⦁ 1 tbsp finély choppéd frésh thymé
⦁ ½ cup puré mâplé syrup
⦁ ¼ cup bâlsâmic vinégâr
⦁ 3 tbsp Dijon mustârd
⦁ 2 tbsp éxtrâ-virgin olivé oil
⦁ 1 tsp (I usé Himâlâyân sâlt)
⦁ ½ tsp ground blâck péppér
⦁ ¼ tsp câyénné péppér
1. In â lârgé mixing bowl or glâss méâsuring cup, combiné âll thé ingrédiénts for thé mârinâdé ând whisk until wéll combinéd.
2. Plâcé thé pork téndérloins in â bâking dish thât's just big énough to âccommodâté thém ând thén pour thé mârinâdé right ovér thém. Toss délicâtély until both téndérloins âré wéll coâtéd, thén covér with plâstic wrâp ând plâcé in thé réfrigérâtor to mârinâté for ât léâst 6 hours, but préférâbly ovérnight.
Get full recipe>> thehealthyfoodie.com@MAPLE BALSAMIC PORK TENDERLOIN
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