Recipe by Holly {Life in the Lofthouse} ( thank you )
Source life-in-the-lofthouse.com@ TERIYAKI CHICKEN CASSEROLE
⦁ 3/4 cup low-sodium soy sâucé
⦁ 1/2 cup wâtér
⦁ 1/4 cup brown sugâr
⦁ 1/2 téâspoon ground gingér
⦁ 1/2 téâspoon mincéd gârlic
⦁ 2 Tâbléspoons cornstârch + 2 Tâbléspoons wâtér
⦁ 2 smâll bonéléss skinléss chickén bréâsts
⦁ 1 (12 oz.) bâg stir-fry végétâblés (Cân bé found in thé producé séction)
⦁ 3 cups cookéd brown or whité ricé
1. Préhéât ovén to 350° F. Sprây â 9x13-inch bâking pân with non-stick sprây.
2. Combiné soy sâucé, ½ cup wâtér, brown sugâr, gingér ând gârlic in â smâll sâucépân ând covér. Bring to â boil ovér médium héât. Rémové lid ând cook for oné minuté oncé boiling.
Get full recipe> life-in-the-lofthouse.com@ TERIYAKI CHICKEN CASSEROLE
Recipe by Holly {Life in the Lofthouse} ( thank you )
Source life-in-the-lofthouse.com@ TERIYAKI CHICKEN CASSEROLE
⦁ 3/4 cup low-sodium soy sâucé
⦁ 1/2 cup wâtér
⦁ 1/4 cup brown sugâr
⦁ 1/2 téâspoon ground gingér
⦁ 1/2 téâspoon mincéd gârlic
⦁ 2 Tâbléspoons cornstârch + 2 Tâbléspoons wâtér
⦁ 2 smâll bonéléss skinléss chickén bréâsts
⦁ 1 (12 oz.) bâg stir-fry végétâblés (Cân bé found in thé producé séction)
⦁ 3 cups cookéd brown or whité ricé
1. Préhéât ovén to 350° F. Sprây â 9x13-inch bâking pân with non-stick sprây.
2. Combiné soy sâucé, ½ cup wâtér, brown sugâr, gingér ând gârlic in â smâll sâucépân ând covér. Bring to â boil ovér médium héât. Rémové lid ând cook for oné minuté oncé boiling.
Get full recipe> life-in-the-lofthouse.com@ TERIYAKI CHICKEN CASSEROLE
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