Skillét Sâusâgé, égg, ând Chéésé Grits Bréâkfâst Bâké

Skillét Sâusâgé, égg, ând Chéésé Grits Bréâkfâst Bâké

Recipe by Jenn @ Peas and Crayons ( thank you )
Source Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Grits Breakfast Bake

Swirléd with spinâch ând toppéd with frésh hérbs, this skillét sâusâgé, égg, ând chéésé grits bréâkfâst bâké will délight your friénds ând fâmily! ând évén béttér? This brunch bombshéll of â bréâkfâst câssérolé cân bé mâdé in âdvâncé!


1 pâckâgé frozén choppéd spinâch, 8-10 oz
16 oz hot Itâliân sâusâgé or your fâvorité bréâkfâst sâusâgé
2 cups low-sodium chickén or végétâblé broth
1 cup hâlf ând hâlf
1/2 téâspoon sâlt
1 cup old-fâshionéd grits [not instânt]
1 cup grâtéd Goudâ chéésé
1/4 téâspoon ground blâck péppér
1/4 tsp gârlic powdér
2-3 TBSP choppéd gréén onion, dividéd
1 cup grâtéd shârp Chéddâr chéésé, dividéd
3 lârgé éggs, lightly béâtén
1 + 1/2 tâbléspoons plâin cornméâl
TâSTY TOPPINGS: âdd your fâvorités!
réd péppér flâkés
fréshly choppéd gréén onion ând pârsléy
Srirâchâ or your fâvorité hot sâucé
choppéd bâcon for â méât-lovér's twist


1. Préhéât ovén to 350 dégréés F.
2. Thâw spinach + squéézé out liquid with pâpér towéls.
3. In â smâll-médium pot, bring broth to â rolling boil. Stir in grits, sâlt, ând hâlf ând hâlf ând réducé héât to low/simmér. Cook grits for 12-15 minutés, stirring occâsionâlly until thickénéd.

get full recipe>> Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Grits Breakfast Bake


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